


The redesigned operator's station provides better visibility to the work area.  The "M" series operator's station also has new features and improvements over the "H" series.

The "M" series dash cluster contains the following:
* Left turn indicator (1):  Illuminates when the left turn signal is operating.

* Left blade float indicator (2):  Illuminates when the left blade control valve is in the float position.

* Charging system indicator (3):  Illuminates when there is a problem with the charging system.

* Starting aid (active) indicator (4):  Illuminates when the starting aid is on.

* Implement system (malfunction) indicator (5):  Illuminates when the implement system has an           active diagnostic or if the optional AccuGrade™ system has an active diagnostic.

* Primary steering system indicator (6):  Illuminates when the primary steering system has an active     diagnostic.

* Action lamp indicator (7):  Illuminates when the machine has a serious issue that requires the               operator's attention.  The action lamp will flash whenever there is a level 2 or level 3 event in any       of the machine systems.

* Engine system indicator (8):  Informs the operator of the engine status.  Illuminates whenever the       engine has an active diagnostic.

* Throttle lock indicator (9):  Informs the operator when the throttle lock is engaged.

* Parking brake indicator (10):  Illuminates when the parking brake is engaged.

* Transmission system indicator (11):  Illuminates when the Transmission/Chassis ECM has and            active diagnostic or event.

* Secondary steering system indicator (12):  Illuminates when the secondary steering system has an       active diagnostic or event.  This indicator will also illuminate when the secondary steering system       is active.

* Primary brake system indicator (13):  Illuminates when the brake system has an active diagnostic.

* Operator present indicator (14):  Illuminates when the operator is not present.

NOTE:  The operator is considered present if any of the following is true:

* The operator is seated and the Operator in Seat switch recognizes operator as present.
* The Transmission Output Speed (TOS) is not zero.
* The Actual Gear is not Neutral.
* The Inching Pedal is pressed more than 90%.

The operator is considered not present if all of the following are true:

* The Operator in Seat switch does not detect operator presence or the switch is faulted.
* The TOS is zero.
* The Actual Gear is neutral.
* The Inching Pedal is not pressed.

* Right blade float indicator (15):  Illuminates when the right blade control valve is in the float               position.

* Right turn indicator (16):  Illuminates when the right turn signal is operating.

* Differential lock indicator (17):  Illuminates when the differential lock is engaged.

* High beam indicator (18):  Illuminates when the high beams are on.

The monitor contains the following

* Coolant temperature gauge (1)
* Hydraulic oil temperature gauge (2)
* Tachometer (3)
* Articulation angle (4)
* Fuel gauge (5)

When the key start switch is turned to the ON position, the dash cluster will perform a three second self test. During this test all alert indicators will illuminate, and the gauges will do a single sweep.

Sometimes the data needed for an indicator is unknown.  This can be due to data link communication problems or active sensor diagnostics.  Effects of unknown data at the dash cluster are as follows:

* When data needed for an indicator is unknown the indicator will be illuminated.
* When data needed for a gauge is unknown the gauge will be driven to its red zone.
* When data needed for the LCD is unknown the LCD will either be blank or display "---".
* When there is a Messenger to dash cluster communication problem all indicators will be off, all           gauges will point to the left, and the action lamp will blink amber.

The electronic joysticks work in conjunction with the Implement ECMs to give the operator precise control of the implements.  The position sensors and switches in the joysticks provide an input signal to the Implement ECMs.  The Implement ECMs will send a corresponding output signal if certain conditions are met
The electronic functionality of the joysticks will be explained later in this presentation

The left implement controls are as follows.

* wheel lean left (1)
* transmission upshift (2)
* wheel lean right (3)
* left blade lower (4)
* steer left (5)
* transmission downshift (6)
* steer right (7)
* left blade raise (8)
* articulation auto recenter (9)
* articulate right (10)
* articulate left (11)
* transmission direction control (12)

The right implement controls are as follows:

* right blade lower (13)

* blade tip forward (14)

* centershift right (15)

* blade sideshift right (16)

* centershift left (17)

* blade tip back (18)

* blade sideshift left (19)

* right blade raise (20)

* throttle resume/decelerate switch (21)

* differential lock (22)

* circle drive clockwise (23)

* circle drive counterclockwise (24).

The "M" Series cab switches are now located on a panel to the right of the operators seat.  The cab switches are as follows

* centershift lock switch (1)

* defroster fan switch (2)

* warning beacon switch (3)

* heated mirror switch (4)

* switch for headlights and tail lights (5)

* headlight dimmer switch (6)

* blade cushion switch (7)
Cab switches continued:

* front flood lights switch (1)

* hydraulic lockout switch (2)

* front and rear work lights switch (3)

* hazard flasher switch (4)

* autoshift control (5)

* cigar lighter (24V) (6)

* throttle mode switch (7)

* throttle set / accelerate switch (8)

* power port (12V) (9)

* messenger display (10)

The window wiper switches are on the top right of the cab.  The switches are identified in the following list.

* front window wiper (1)

* left front window wiper (2)

* rear window wiper (3)

* right front window wiper (4)

The heating and air conditioning controls are now located on the top right side of the cab.  The controls are as follows:

* fans speed switch (1)

* variable temperature control (2)

* air conditioning on/off switch (3)

The dash switches are the secondary steering test switch (1) and the parking brake switch (2)
The fuse panel (3) is located on the left side of the cab floor.  The circuit breaker (4) is for the defroster fan motor.  The diagnostic port (5) is used for Caterpillar Electronic Technician (Cat ET)..

The "M" series motor graders can be equipped with auxiliary control levers that are used to control any implement attachments that are added on to the standard machine arrangement. The auxiliary control levers can control up to seven different implement attachment control valves.

The auxiliary control levers can be assigned to any implement control valve.  The auxiliary control levers are assigned to an implement attachment using Cat ET.

Auxiliary control levers (1) through (4) use PWM position sensors to send an input to the Implement 2 ECM.  The levers (1) and (4) also have a soft detent.  The ECM will send a output to the assigned proportional implement solenoid when the operator moves the auxiliary control lever past the soft detent.  The soft detent allows the implement attachment to be placed in the FLOAT position.

The auxiliary control lever that controls functions (not shown) is a mini joystick that is added just to the right of the standard right implement joystick.  The mini joystick is a dual axis joystick and the second function has a soft detent.  The ECM will send a output to the assigned proportional implement solenoid when the operator moves the auxiliary control lever past the soft detent.  The soft detent allows the implement attachment to be placed in the FLOAT position.

The auxiliary control lever (5) controls the ripper.  This lever is an on/off type input to the Implement 2 ECM.



Messenger Main Menu

The menu structure for Messenger is arranged in a stair step, or hierarchical list format.  When the operator, or technician, selects an option from a menu, the resulting screen is one level down from that selection.  More selections, or options, may be available from that screen, as well.  There may be more than one page of information, or options, to be displayed from any level.  These levels can be accessed by using the left, right, up, or down arrows as necessary depending on how the data or list is arranged.

The following options are available from the Messenger's Main Menu screen:

* Performance
* Totals
* Settings
* Service

Performance Menu Options
The Performance Menu options are as follows:

* Engine Speed:        
   This option will show the engine rpm.

* Ground Speed:        
   This option will show the ground speed in Miles per Hour or in Kilometers per Hour.

* Engine Coolant Temp:
   This option will show the engine coolant temperature in  degrees Fahrenheit or in degrees Celsius.

* Articulation Angle:    
   This option will displays the articulation angle.

* Fuel Level:              
   This option will show the amount of fuel that is measured in the fuel tank as a percentage of a full        tank.

* Hydraulic Oil Temp:
   This option will show the hydraulic oil temp in degrees  Fahrenheit or in degrees Celsius.

* Required Gear:
  This option will show the gear that the operator desires.

* Actual Gear:
  This option will show the gear that is currently engaged in the transmission.

* TOS:                    
   This option will show the transmission output speed in rpm.

* Trans Oil Temp:
   This option will show the transmission oil temp in degrees Fahrenheit or in degrees Celsius.

* Implement Lock Out:
   This option will show status of the implement lockout  switch.

* Pilot Supply Solenoid:
   This option will show the status of the pilot supply  solenoid, which is turned ON or OFF by the         implement  lockout switch.

* Blade L. Lift Cyl:
  This option will show if the left blade lift cylinder is in  float or not in float.

* Blade R. Lift Cyl:
  This option will show if the right blade lift cylinder is  float or not in float.

* Sec Steer Test:
   This option will show if the secondary steering   active or inactive.

* Sec Steer Signal:
   This option will show if the Implement ECM is requesting a secondary steering function from the       Transmission/Chassis ECM.

* PT Filter Status:
   This option will show if the power train filter is filtering or bypassing oil.

* Inching Pedal:
  This option will show the position of the inching pedal  a percentage.

Total Menu Selection
Totals Menu Options
Lifetime Totals
Use the scroll up/left button and the scroll down/right button to move between the various screens and use the "Back" button to return to the "Totals" Menu.

NOTE:  These totals cannot be zeroed without a factory password.

* Total Forward: :       
   This option displays the distance that the machine has driven in forward gear during the machine's       lifetime.

* Total Reverse:
   This option displays the distance that the machine has driven in reverse gear during the machine's        lifetime.

* Total Fuel:          
   This option displays the information about the fuel consumption of the machine during the                    machine's lifetime

* Service Hours: This option displays the number of hours that the machine has.

Trip Totals

Use the scroll up/left button and the scroll down/right button to move between the various screens and use the "Back" button to return to the "Totals" Menu.

Individual trip totals can be reset in the Trip Reset menu.

* Total Fuel:
   This option displays the information about the fuel consumption of the machine during a trip or           shift

* Service Hours:
  This option displays the number of hours that the machine has been operating during a trip or shift

Trip Reset

Use the scroll up/left button and the scroll down/right button to move between the various screens and use the "Back" button to return to the "Totals" Menu.

* Clear Trip Totals: Clear all trip totals

Setting Menu Selection
Settings Menu Options
Monitoring System
* Language:
   Select this option to change the language that is shown on the display.  Currently only English is         available.  In the future, the choices will be English, Spanish, and French.

* Units:
   Select this option to choose the either the US or the Metric measurement system.

* Contrast:
   Select this option to adjust the contrast of the display.  This will improve the visibility of the               information.  The display provides a bar graph for viewing adjustments.

* Backlight
   Select this option to adjust the backlighting of the display.This will improve the visibility of the           information.  The display provides a bar graph for viewing adjustments


* Product ID:
  Displays the machine serial number.

* Equipment ID:
  Displays the equipment identification number.


* Initial Fwd Gear:
   Allows the operator to view and change initial gear used to shift out of neutral while in manual           mode.

* Initial Rev Gear:
   Allows the operator to view and change initial gear used to shift out of neutral while in manual           mode.

* Min FWD Autoshift Gear:
   Allows the operator to view and change minimum gear used for Autoshift.

* Max FWD Autoshift Gear:
   Allows the operator to view and change the maximum gear used for Autoshift.

* Min REV Autoshift Gear:
   Allows the operator to view and change minimum gear used for Autoshift.

* Max REV Autoshift Gear:
    Allows the operator to view and change maximum  gear used for Autoshift

Service Menu Selection
Service Menu Options Diagnostic/Events
* View Diagnostics:
   Select this option to view codes/events that are active/logged by the monitoring system.

System Parameters
Use the scroll up/left button and the scroll down/right button to move between the various screens and use the "Back" button to return to the Service Menu.

Monitoring System
* Battery Voltage:
   This option displays battery voltage.
* Fuel Level:
   This option displays amount of fuel that is measured in the fuel tank as a percentage of a full tank.
* Alternator Status:
   This option displays the status of the alternator (check when running)

* Engine Speed:
   This option displays the actual engine speed.
* Desired Engine Speed:
   This option displays the desired engine speed.
* Oil Pressure:
   This option displays the engine oil pressure.
* Engine Coolant Temp:
   This option displays the engine coolant temperature
* Fuel Temp:
   This option displays the fuel temperature.
* Fuel Pressure:
   This option displays the fuel pressure.
* Intake Air Temp:
   This option displays the intake air temperature.
* Atmospheric Pressure:
   This option displays the atmospheric pressure.
* Turbo Inlet Pressure:
   This option displays the turbo inlet air pressure.
* Turbo Outlet Pressure:
   This option displays the turbo outlet pressure with the atmospheric pressure included.
* Boost Pressure:
   This option displays the boost pressure.
* Fuel Position:
   This option displays the fuel position.
* Throttle Position Sensor:
   This option displays the throttle position in a percentage.

* Req. Gear:
   This option displays the gear the operator is requesting.
* Actual Gear:
   This option displays the gear the machine is in.
* TOS (Trans output speed):
    This option displays the transmission output speed.
* Tran Oil Temp:
   This option displays the temperature of the transmission oil.
* PT Filter:
   This option displays if the transmission filter is bypassing or filtering.
* Inching Pedal:
   This option displays the percentage of travel of the inching pedal.

* Steering Control Pos:
   This option displays the percentage of travel of the steering function on the left joystick.
* Steer Duty Cycle:
   This option displays duty cycle, in percentage, of the steering lever sensors.
* Left Cyl Ext:
   This option displays the percentage of travel of the left steering cylinder.
* Right Cyl Ext:
   This option displays the percentage of travel of the right steering cylinder.
* Sec Steer Pos:
   This option displays the position of the secondary steering switch located on the dash.
* Sec Steer Test:
   This option displays whether or not the operator has requested a secondary steering test.
* Sec Steer Signal:
  This option displays whether or not the Implement ECM is requesting a secondary steering function     from the Transmission/Chassis ECM.
* Sec Steer Relay Status:
   This option displays the status of the secondary steering relay.

* Hydraulic Oil Temp:
   This option displays the temperature of the hydraulic oil.
* Hydraulic Oil Pressure:
   This option displays the pressure of the oil at the outlet of the implement and steering pump.
* Implement Lockout:
   This option displays the status of the implement lockout switch.
* Pilot Status:
   This option displays whether or not the implement pilot solenoid is energized or not.
* Blade Left Lift Pos:
   This option displays the percentage of travel of the left blade cylinder function on the left joystick.
* Blade Left Lift Cyl:
   This option displays whether or not the left blade cylinder is in float.
* Blade Right Lift Pos:
   This option displays the percentage of travel of the right blade cylinder function on the right                joystick.
* Blade Right Lift Cyl:
   This option displays whether or not the right blade cylinder is in float.
* Wheel Left Lean Pos:
   This option displays the percentage of travel of the left wheel lean function on the left joystick.

* Wheel Right Lean Pos:
    This option displays the percentage of travel of the right wheel lean function on the left joystick.
* Pitch Forward:
   This option displays the percentage of travel of the blade pitch forward function on the right               joystick.
* Pitch Backward:
   This option displays the percentage of travel of the blade pitch backward function on the right             joystick.
* Side Shift Pos:
   This option displays the percentage of travel of the side shift function on the right joystick.

* Circle Left Side Shift:
   This option displays the percentage of travel of the circle side shift left function on the right                 joystick.
* Circle Right Side Shift:
   This option displays the percentage of travel of the circle side shift right function on the right               joystick.
* Circle Drive Pos:
   This option displays the percentage of travel of circle drive function on the right joystick.
* Articulation Pos:
   This option displays the percentage of travel of the articulate function on the left joystick.
* Auto Articulation Pos:
   This option displays the position that the auto articulation recenter switch is in.

* Brake Switch (Parking):
   This option displays the position of the parking brake switch on the dash.
* Brake Solenoid (Parking):
   This option displays whether or not the parking brake solenoid is energized
* Park Brake Pressure:
  This option displays the pressure of the parking brake system.
* Park Brake:
  This option displays the status of the parking brake system.
* Service Brake Pedal:
   This option displays if the service brake pedal is depressed or released.

System Test
System Self Test

* 3 Sec Self Test:
   This option will cause the instrument cluster to do a power up test that will turn on all indicators         and sweep the gauges.

System Information
* System Information:
   Engine Serial Number, ECM Serial Number, ECM Part Number, Software Group Part Number,           Software Group Release Date, Software Group Description.

* System Information:
   ECM Serial Number, ECM Part Number, Software Group Part Number, Software Group Release         Date, Software Group Description.

Monitoring System
* System Information:
  Equipment ID, ECM Serial Number, ECM Part Number, Software Group Part Number, Software        Group Release Date, Software Group Description.

Implement System
* System Information:
   ECM Serial Number, ECM Part Number, Software Group Part Number, Software Group Release        Date, Software Group Description

Implement 2 System
* System Information:
   ECM Serial Number, ECM Part Number, Software Group Part Number, Software Group Release         Date, Software Group Description.

Implement 3 System
* System Information:
  ECM Serial Number, ECM Part Number, Software Group Part Number, Software Group Release        Date, Software Group Description.

Service Test
* Manual Lube Mode:
   Activates the Auto Lube system.
* Dead Engine Steering:
   Select this option to test the secondary steering pump with the engine shut down.  When this option     is selected, the front wheel will automatically move to align with the joystick.

* Trans Fill Calibration:
   This option starts the transmission fill calibration when all setup conditions have been met.

* Tattletale Mode Active:
   Upon activating Tattletale Mode, all gauges will sweep to their maximum or minimum recorded         position.  Once in Tattletale Mode, individual maximum/minimum parameters can be viewed in           numerically expressed measurements on the Messenger display, or viewed as a gauge reading on         the Instrument Cluster.
* Oil Temp:
   Displays maximum recorded oil temperature.
* Coolant Temp:
   Displays maximum recorded coolant temperature.
* Engine Speed:
   Displays maximum recorded engine speed.
* Articulation Angle:
   Displays direction and angle of farthest articulation.
* Fuel Level:
   Displays minimum recorded fuel level


The "M" series motor graders are equipped with five standard ECMs and can have an additional four attachment ECMs depending on machine configuration.  The standard ECMs are as follows:

- Engine ECM (A4 E4)
- Implement ECM (A4 M1)
- Implement 2 ECM (A4 M1)
- Implement 3 ECM (A4 M1) (if equipped)
- Transmission/Chassis Control (A4 M1)
- AWD ECM (A4 M1) (if equipped)
- Messenger

Communication between the ECMs is conducted over data link circuits. The data link circuits are bidirectional, allowing the ECMs to send and receive information. The ECMs support two types of data link systems:
- Cat Data Link (CDL):  The Cat Data Link is used to send system status information between ECMs     and Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET).

- SAE J1939 (CAN):  The SAE J1939 Data Link is used for high speed system operation and                 communication between the ECM controls and the ECMs of other machine systems.

NOTE:  In the event of a failure of the SAE J1939 Data Link, the Cat Data Link system is used as a back-up system for operational communication.

Several of the Machine ECMs have the same part number.  Each of these ECMs with the same part number is assigned a location code.  This location code tells the ECM what function it will perform.  The location code is determined by the grounding of pins 26, 27, 28, or any combination on J1.  The Machine ECMs can be flashed with a file that is not correct for the location code (example: An Implement flash file can be downloaded to a Transmission/Chassis ECM).  If a flash file does not match the location code, a 1326-02 diagnostic code will be activated.



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