

This presentation discusses the operation of the controls for the torque converter and transmission which are installed in the 785 Off-Highway Truck.The control systems utilize a combination of electronic and hydraulic components to provide an efficient transfer of power to the differential and to ensure smooth, precise shifting
This combination of smooth shifts and maximum opera efficiency contributes to a comfortable ride for the operator, a high level of machine productivy minimum of down time through  understanding of the electronic and hydraulic control systems will enable service personnel to quickly and easily diagnose a  in the transmission or torque converter.

The 785 Truck is equipped with a 6-speed automatic transmission .The operating techniques for the 785 are basically the same as those used for earlier model truck.The operator can move the transmissio selector lever to the SIXTH gear position and as the ground speed of the machine increases and decreases , the transmission wil automatically upshift and downshift between FIRS and SIXTH gear.
If due to groudn and/or cycle condition , the operator does not want to use the higher gear ranges , he can move the selector lever to the highest desired gear position and the machine will not upshift beyond that gear range.When the machine is stationary or when ground speed are low , the operator can normally shift into REVERSE or FIRST.while the machine is moving in a FORWARD gear at speeds higher than 3 mph (4.8 km/hr ), shift into REVERSE are inhibited.To help protect against engine overspeed , accidental downshift  are also inhibited.If the operator moves the transmission selector lever from a higher gear position to a lower gear while  the machine is operating ini the higher gear, the transmissi will not downshift untik ground speed  has decreased to the correct shift point.Shift fron any gear into NEUTRAL ,however are mover inhibited.In other words , NEUTRDAL has priority over any other gear position.

The torque converter is mounted on the rear of the engine and splined directly to the engine flywheel.The converter is equipped with a lockup clutch and a one-way clutch. The lockup clutch permits direct drive operation in the higher gear ranges while the one-way clutch permits the stator to freewheel during operation in the direct drive mode to minimize torque losses in the converter. The torque converter, brake, and hoist hydraulic circuit is separated from the transmission hydraulic circuit

Operation of the torque converter is controlled by three valves which are mounted on the rear of the converter case.The three valves are: the converter inlet relief valve (number 1), the converter outlet relief valve (number 2), and the lockup clutch cont ro 1 valve (number 3).The converter inlet and outlet relief valves operate identically to those used with earlier model torque converlers. There are, however, some differences in the operation of the lockup clutch control valve which will be explained later in this presentaion A four section gear pump (not visible) is mounted at the lower rear of the converter case. The pump is used for converter charging, converter scavenge, parking brake lease, and rear brake cooling

This illustration shows the major components of the torque converter. The major components include:the .. rotating housing, the impeller, the turbine, the stator, the output shaft the lockup clutch, and the one-way clutch.REVERSE, NEUTRAL, and the lower speed portion of FIRST gear are converter drive modes. As ground speed in FIRST gear increases, the lockup clutch connects the rotating housing and impeller to the turbine and output shaft.This provides direct drive operation for the higher speed portion of FIRST and for all of the higher gear ranges (SECOND through SIXTH). During a shift, the lockup clutch momentarily releases to provide smoother shifts and protect the power train from shock loads as the transmission clutches engage.The one-way clutch permits freewheeling of the stator during operation in direct drive

A drive shaft connects the flange on the converter output shaft to the transfer gears on the front of the transmission. Power flows from the transfer gears to the transmissi shaft

Operation of the 785 transmissi is similar to the units used in smaller trucks, but it has been designed an built to match the requirements of larger machines.The transmission is equipped with six hydraulically­ activated clutches which permit the selection of one REVERSE and six FORWARD gears.As in earlier model powershift transmissions, two clutches must be engaged to permit movement of the machine.One difference in the operation of the 785 transmission is that it has two NEUTRAL ranges (Nl and N2). In Nl, the number 3 clutch is engaged  while in N2, the number 1 clutch is engaged.

Shown here is a sectional view of the transmission planetary group Clutches number 1, 2, and 3 are rotating clutches. Rotating clutches number 1 and 2 form a "high-low" input clutch arrangement.
When the number 1 clutch is engaged, power from the hollow input shaft is transmitted through the number 1 planetary gears and carrier to the rotating center shaft. This causes the rotating center shaft to turn at a lower rpm than the input shaft. During this condition, the stationary center shaft and number 1 sun gear serve as reaction members for the number 1 planet gears.When the number 2 clutch is engaged, the hollow input shaft and rotating center shaft turn at the same rpm.
Clutches number 3, !+,   and 5 are speed clut.ches for the FORWARD gears.The number 6 clutch is used only during operation in REVERSE.


This Card show the clutch that are engaged during operation in each gear range of the transmission. Notice  that in the FORWARD gears, each speed clutch (number 3, 4, and 5) is engaged in two consecutive gear ranges while the low input clutches (numbers 1 and 2) alternate from one gear range to the next. Also, the number 6 clutch is engaged only during operation in  REVERSE.

A rather feature of this transmission is the two NEUTRAL ranges (Nl and N2). While the machine is with the selector lever in the NEUTRAL position, the transmission is in the Nl range with the number 3 clutch. When the operator moves the selector lever to a gear position (FIRST, for example) the number 3 clutch is drained and the number 1 clutcb is engaged. Then, a second shift: is made which engages the number 5 clut:ch to permit operation in FIRST gear. This is done to slow down the planetary components in Lhe t.ransmis ion and provide a smoother shift into FIRST.If the operator moves the selector lever from FIRST to NEUTRAL, the number 1 and 5 clutches are drained and the number 3

The point to remember is that the operator has direct control over Nl, but he has no control over N2. Selection of N2 is determined by the
the transmission electronic controls.

When studying electronically­ controlled transmissions and torque converters, the most significant concept to keep in mind is that two control systems--electronic and hydraulic, different but connected--work together to provide smooth, efficient operation of the machine. Upshifts, downshifts, and converter lockup for direct drive operation are initiated by electrical signals.These signals from the electronic controls cause movement of the valves in the transmission and torque converter hydraulic systems. The hydraulic valves then control the engagement and release of the converter lockup clutch and the transmission clutches.Since electrical signals initiate the shift cycle, let's first take a look at the operation of the electronic system.

This diagram shows the components in the electronic system arranged in three general categories:
input components, the electronic control, and output components.During specific conditions, the input components send information in the form of electrical signals to the transmission control.
The transmission control "reads" the information from the input components and sends electrical current to one or more output components.

The input components consist of: the shift lever switch, the transmission speed sender, the transmission switch, the bed raise switch, the retarder and service brake switch, and the secondary and parking brake switch.The shift lever switch, which is positioned by the operator, tells the transmission control the position of the transmission selector lever.The transmission speed sender senses the rpm of the transmission output shaft which is directly proportional to the ground speed of the machine.The transmission switch tells the transmission control the speed range (gear) in which the transmission is operating

During normal operation, these input components send information to the transmission control which then determines when upshifts, downshifts, and direct drive operation are necessary.

The remaining input components will affect transmission operation when specific actions are taken by the machine operator.The bed raise switch has two purposes.Its primary purpose is to prevent machine movement in REVERSE while the hoist lever is in the RAISE position. The secondary purpose of the bed raise switch is to check the condition of 15 diagnostic light emitting diodes (LED'S) which are located on the face of the transmission control. Moving the hoist lever to the RAISE position will cause all 15 LED's to turn ON.The retarder and service brake switch tells the transmission control when the retarder and/or the service brakes are activated. This causes two
changes in the operating conditions of the system: First, the control raises the transmission shift points and second, the control deactivates the "anti-hunt" feature of the system. (There will be additional explanation of these features later in the presentation.) The secondary and parking brake switch tells the control when the secondary (emergency) brakes or the parking brakes are applied.

During these conditions, the control will deactivate the anti-hunt feature
All of the various input signals are sent to the transmission control.Power for operation of the electronic system is also supplied to the transmission control.
The control receives the information from the input components, utilizes this information to run an internal program specifically for the vehicle, and, when various conditions are met, takes the appropriate action. This action can consist of rais shift, inhibiting shifts into a lower gear or REVERSE, or one or more output components.The result of this operation is a system which maintains precise control over upshifts, downshifts, and converter lockup for maximum power train efficiency.

The output components consist of:an upshift solenoid, a downshift: solenoid, a lockup solenoid, and a transmission gear indicator.The solenoids directly connect the electronic system to the transmission hydraulic system. When an upshift or downshift is indicated, the corresponding solenoid is momentarily energized.
This opens a valve in the base of the solenoid which permits oil to flow to a rotary actuator in the selector and pressure control valve group.The rotary actuator hydraulically initiates the shift.When direct drive operation is indicated, the lockup solenoid is energized.This permits oil to flow through two relay valves which initiate operation of the lockup clutch control valve.The lockup clutch control valve then engages the converter lockup clutch.All three solenoids are identical.
The transmission gear indicator informs the of the gear in which the transmission is actually operating. The gear indicator has eight LED's which are individually lit during operation in a gears of selector lever position.

The operator the position of the shift lever switch by moving the transmission selector lever to the various gear positions.The switch is locat:(od inside the console at the
lower end of   the lever.

Removal of the cover from the left side of the console permits access the shift lever switch.The sealed single layer switch contains diodes whick control the direction of current flow .A connection on the apposite side of the switch connects the wires from the switch to  a large harness from the switch to a large harness connected on the end of the electronic control box

Installed behind the shift lever switch is a neutral/start switch which prevents starting the engine if the, transmission selector lever is in a gear position other than NEUTRAL (Also visible in this view is the connector for the shift lever switch.) The neutral/start switch is not actually part of the transmission electrical system; instead, it is part of the circuit.

In the circuit, the neutral/start swit:ch is connected between the key tart switch and the air start solenoid.The closed netral start switch is operated by the cam on the transmission selector lever. ln NEUTRAL (as shown), the switch actuator fits in the notch in t:he eam and the switch remains closed to cranking.

When the selector lever is in a gear position other than NEUTRAL,the outer contour of the cam depressed the switch actuator and opens the switch.This prevent cranking the engine.

This is a simplified diagram which illustrates how the shift lever switch and the transmission control are connected.When installed in the selector lever console, seven wires connect the switch to the transmission control.The eighth wire shown in this diagram connects the switch to the Electronic Monitoring System (EMS).Five of the seven wires between the control and the switch are
labeled LEVER 1 through LEVER 5.

These five wires are commonly referred to as "control wires."The five control wires carry the signals from the switch to the transmission control which indicate the position of the shift lever as selected by the operator.For each of the eight shift lever positions (REVERSE, NEUTRAL, and FIRST through SIXTH), two of the five control wires are grounded in different combinations. Five of the 15 diagnostic LED's on the face of the transmission control are also labeled LEVER 1 through LEVER 5. When a control wire is grounded, the corresponding LED will be lit.

The two remaining wires of the seven between the switch and the control are labeled GROUND and GROUND VERIFY.
These two wires are connected inside the switch.The GROUND wire is connected to the machine (electric) ground.The GROUND VERIFY wire is connected to the transmission control.
Both of these wires must be at ground potential for the switch and the control to operate correctly. If for some reason, the GROUND wire is not connected to machine (electric) ,all of the LEVER LED's on the ransmission control will be OFF.If the GROUND VERIFY wire is not at potential, the LEVER LED's will be ON, but the transmission control will not operate correctly.The GROUND VERIFY wire can be at ground potential only if all the wiring harnesses and connectors between the S\vi tch and the control function correctly

Transmission switch is located  inside the housing on the right side
transmission case.Removal of the cover plate from the housing permits access to the switch.

The transmission switch is very similar in design and operation to the shift lever switch.The main difference between the two switches is the met:hod in which their respective rotors are positioned.

Notice that a small shaft is visible near the top of the switch.The small shaft extending from the switch case is part of a flexible coupling which connects the switch rotor to a selector in the selector and pressure control valve group. The position of the switch rotor is determined by the position of the rotary selector spool. The position of the selector spool also determines which transmission clutches are engaged

This slide shows the transmission switch and flexible coupling after removal from the machine.A slot in the end of the flexible coupling engages with a small pin in the end of the As the transmission upshifts and downshifts to the various gears, the rotary selector turns the flexible which then turns the switch The switch then two of the control wire which indicates to the transmis ion control the gear in which  the transmision is operating.

This view of transmissio switch  shows the label which is applied to the switch case.Shortly after switches of this type were introduced in Cat equipment, reports were received that attempts were being made to manual transmission shifts by  turning the small shaft which protrudes  from the switch case.This was causing damage to the flexible coupling.The correct procedure for manually shifting the transmission will be explained later in this presentation.

This simplified diagram illustrates how the transmission switch is
connected to the transmission control. Since this switch is basically the same as the shift lever switch, a number of similarities in the two switches can be easily recognized. Seven wires connect the switch to the transmis ion control.

Each wire is clearly identified by a color code and numerieal code.Five of the wires are control wires while the other two wires are labeled GROUND and GROUND VERIFY respectively. For each gear range of the transmission, two of the fivE control wires will be connected to in various combinations.As each wire grounded, a corresponding LED t:ransmission  control  will be let.

In this diagram, the five control wires are labeled GEAR 1 through GEAR 5.Therefore, the five LED’S on the face of the transmission control are also identified as GEAR 1 through GEAR 5.The GROUND and GROUND VERIFY circuit for this switch operate  identically to those in the shift lever switch.

An “MS” conector is located at the bottom front of the switch housing. The seven wires from the switch connector are routed directly to this connec1:or.The location of each wire from the transmission switch is identified by a letter which is marked on the connector.

From the "MS" connector, the wires are routed through  a harness to a bulkhead connector on the right side of the operator's  compartment
An "MS" connector in this ication to transmission vibrations from the connector
loose. Notice that a lock wire is used with this connector

This view from beneath the machine shows the location of the speed sender(arrow)
on the front of the t:ransmission case.The speed sender monitors rpm of the transmission output shaft which is directly propertional to the ground speed of the machine.The portion of wiring harness connected to the speed sender contains three wires. The socket identification letters (A, B,and C) marked on  the  connector.

The speed sender can be seen more clearly on a transmission that has not yet been installed.The speed sender is threaded into a gear housing.( On earlier hydraulically controlled truck transmission,this was the location of the hydraulic governor) this location permits the speed sender to “count” the teeth on the gear inside the housing as the gear rotates.

Shown here are the speed sender, gear, and gear housing after removal
From the transmission.The gear, which has 120 teeth, is driven by a shaft which is splined to the transmission output shaft. An increase in the rpm of the output shaft and the ground speed of the machine will cause an increase in the number of gear teeth that pass the speed sender in a second.The opposite of this is true for a decrease in ground speed. These changes in ground speed cause a change in the frequency of the signal that is sent by the speed sender to the transmission control.

The transmission control receives the signal and determines if an upshift or downshift is indicated.In other words, an automatic upshift or downshift is determined by the ground speed of the machine.

This diagram illustrates how the speed sender and the remainder of the switches are connected in the system. Three wires connect the speed sender and the transmission control.Power for operation of the speed sender is sent from the control through the +VOLTAGE (709-0R) wire to the sender. The signal from the sender to the control is sent through the TRANSMISSION SPEED (710-GN) wire.

The third wire (202-BK) is connected to the machine (electric) ground. Notice that the signal from the speed sender is also sent to the transmission speed distributor.This permits the speed distributor to operate the truck speedometer.

The bed raise switch is a "normally closed" switch. As was stated earlier, the primary purpose of the bed raise switch is to keep the transmission in a FORWARD gear or in NEUTRAL while the bed is raised. Moving the hoist lever
to the RAISE or LOWER position opens the switch. An open circuit on Pin 7 of the transmission control will prevent machine movement in REVERSE until the switch is closed.

After the bed raise switch is closed, the shift lever must be put in NEUTRAL before a shift to REVERSE can be made.The secondary purpose of the bed raise switch is to check the condition of the 15 LED's on the face of the transmission control. If all 15 LED's are not lit when the switch is open, there is a problem in the switch circuit, the adjustment of the hoist lever linkage, or in the transmission control

The secondary and parking brake switch is a "normally open" pressure switch. When the secondary (emergency) brakes and the parking brakes are released, the switch is closed by air pressure.Activating the secondary or parking brakes causes the switch to open.This causes an open circuit on Pin 20 of the transmission control which tells the control to deactivate the "anti-hunt" feature which is programmed into the unit.
During normal operation, the control prevents transmission hunting by providing a two second delay between turn around shifts. Therefore, when the secondary or parking brakes are activated, the two second delay is eliminated and the transmission can downshift more rapidly than normal

The retarder and service brake switch is a "normally closed" pressure switch. Activating the rcta.rder and/or the service brakes sends air pressure to the retarder and service brake switch which causes the switch to open.An open circuit on Pin 6 causes two conditions to occur within the control.
First, the control deact:ivates the anti hunt feature by cancelling the two second delay between turn around shifts.This permits rapid downshifts when the service brakes are applied.Second, the control raises the transmission
shift points to help prevent unwanted upshifts while the retarder is applied. This also provides an increased engine rpm for brake cooling while the retarder is being used to control downhill speed.

Raising the shift points further enhances the ability of the transmission to make rapid downshifts when the service brakes are applied by causing downshifts to occur at a higher than normal engine rpm and ground speed rather than waiting for the normal shift point to be attained.


Tlw bois t lever is located at the left side of the operator's seat. Moving the hoist lever to the RAISE or LOWER position causes the hoist linkage to
the bed raise switch.

This is a view of the inside rear of operator compartment after removel of the seat.The bed raise switch is located behind the cover.

Shown here is the bed raise switch after removal of the cover.The wires from the switch are routed through a two pin connector to the large connector on the end of the transmission control box.The procedure for correct adjustment of the bed raise switch is described in the service manual.

The on-off switch for the parking brakes (lower left corner of panel) is located on the console at the right side of the operator's seat. Moving the switch lever to the position shown will engage the parking brakes and open the secondary and parking brake switch.

The secondary (emergency) brake lever is located on the left side of the steering column.Pulling the lever down will engage the secondary brakes and also open the secondary and parking  brake switch.

The control lever for the retarder is located on  the right side of  the steering  column.Pullthe lever down will engage the retarder brakes and, at the same time, open the retarder and hrake switch.

Air pressure also opens the retarder and service brake switch when the service brake pedal (on the left) is depressed

This is a view from behind the operator's compartment after removal of the access panel from the rear of the cab. The secondary and parking brake switch (number 1) is threaded into the left side of the upper tee. The retarder and service brake switch (number 2) is threaded into the left side of the lower tee.The wires from
both switches are routed directly to the connector on the end of the transmission control box.

The transmission control box is located inside the rear of the console at the right side of the operator's seat.Removal of the cover from the top of the console permits access to the control.When troubleshooting the electronic control system, removal of four bolts from the control box mounting flanges permits removal of the control box from the console.
This makes the diagnostic LED's easier to read and permits access to the
harne s connect that plugs into the control wiring

The transmission control is the major component in the electronic system.
On the face of the control are 15 LED's and a corresponding diagnostic chart.The five LEVER LED's, the upshift solenoid (UP SOL) LED, and the lockup solenoid (LOCK SOL) LED are light green in color.The five GEAR LED's and the downshift solenoid (DN SOL) LED are yellow. The speed sender (SPD PU) LED and the retarder/brake (RET BRK) LED are red.During a test of the system, the LED patterns are compared to the diagnostic chart to help determine if the various electrical components are operating correctly.

The same transmission control is used on all Wheel Tractor-Scrapers and Off-Highway Trucks equipped with electronically controlled transmission systems. A relatively simple identification code in the vehicle wiring harness is used to inform the control of the model on which it is installed. When comparing the control boxes from various machines, the only visible differences are the mounting brackets and the diagnostic chart.


Probably the best vmy to understand the operation of the transmission control is to explain some of its design features and advantages. This list summarizes those features:

1. PRECISE SHIFTING- -Upshift and downshift points are programmed into the transmission control. By repeatedly comparing input signals, transmission shifts along with converter lockup and release occur at the optimum point:s in the operation cycle.Shift points never require adjustment.

2. ANTI-HUNT--Shift points are established such that downshifts for a particular gear occur at a lower engine rpm and ground speed than the corresponding upshift. The control also provides the previously mentioned two second delay between turn around shifts. The elimination of transmission hunting increases the life of the power train components and improves the ride for the machine operator.

3. DOWN SHIFT  INHIBITOR- -To help protect agains engine overspeed, accidental downshifts are fully inhibited.If the operator moves the transmission selector lever from a higher gear position to a lower gear while the vehicle is operating  in the higher gear, the transmission will not downshift until the  ground speed has decreased to the correct shift point.

4. REVERSE INHIBITOR—Shift into REVERSE are inhibited while the machine is moving at speed higher than 3 mph (4.8 km/hr) .Shift from any gear into NEUTRAL , however, are never inhibited.In other words , NEUTRAL has priority over any other gear position.

5. SHIFTING INHIBITED AFTER MALFUNCTION--In the event of an electronic problem or failure, the transmission will remain in the same gear in which the problem occurred.This feature is helpful when troubleshooting the system by indicating the gear in which the machine was operating at the time of failure.This also permits the machine to be moved from a work or traffic area to a suitable repair area.


6. FEWER MOVING PARTS--Utilization of the electronic control system provides a less complicated and more compact hydraulic control system. Fewer moving parts results in reduced wear, fewer adjustments, and easier removal of valve components.

7. COMPONENT COMMONALITY--The same transmission control, speed sender, shift lever switch, transmission switch, and solenoids are used on all trucks and scrapers currently equipped with this type of system. The transmission identification code informs the control of the specific machine model on which it is installed.Many of the hydraulic components for the various machines are also similar or identical.

8. ON-BOARD DIAGNOSTICS--A major feature of the electronic system is its built-in diagnostic capability.The 15 LED's across the face of the control provide a quick and easy means for troubleshooting the electronic system.By comparing the various LED patterns with the diagnostic chart, a malfunctioning electrical circuit or component can be readily identified.

Now that some of the design features of the system have been discussed, let's take a few minutes to expand on the concept of on-board diagnostics. An understanding of the function of the LED'S will enhance the understanding of the entire system.
Shown in this view is the LED pattern that can normally be expected when the disconnect and key start switches are turned ON with the transmission in NEUTRAL.

The five LED's markccd LEVER are used when checking the operation of the shift lever switch and its wiring harness.Two of the five LED's will be lit in various combinations for each position of the transmission selector lever.
In this view, the number 3 and 5 LEVER LED's are lit indicating that the selector lever and shift lever svvitch are in NEUTRAL.

The five LED's marked GEAR are for checking the operation of the transmission switch and its wiring harness.Two of the five LED's will be lit in various combinations for each gear range of tJ1e transmission.In this example, the number 4 and 5 GEAR LED's are lit indicating that the transmission switch is in the NEUTRAL (Nl) position.

The LED marked Sl'D l'U (pickup) is used when checking the operation of the transmission speed sender and its wir harness.When the machine is stationary, the speed pickup LED is lit as shown. As the machine starts to move, the speed pickup LED starts to blink then goes out (turns OFF).This occurs when 125 gear teeth per second on the speed sender gear pass the magnetic pickup on the speed sender

The   LED   1narked   R.ET   BH.K    (retarder/brake)   is  lit whenever  the  retarder,   service brakes, secondary brakes, or parking brakes are activated.In this example, the parking brakes are engaged and the RET BRK LED is lit. It should be noted, however, tltat merely moving the on-off switch for the parking brakes to the OFF position will noL immediate t:urn the LED OFF.The engine must
first be started and air pressure must increase sufficiently to close the secondary and parking brake swit:ch for this to occur.

The three LED's marked UP SOL (upshift: solenoid), DN SOL (downshift solenoid) and LOCK SOL (1clutch solenoid) 1whenever voltage is available at the output of t he control to tl1e   respee t:ive solenoid circuit.In this view, the DN SOl. LED is lit because the downshift solenoid is continuously energized while the transmission is in NEUTRAL (Nl).

When the hoist moves to RAISE position with the disconnect switch and the key start switch in the ON position, all fifteen LED's should be lit as shown.This checks the
coneli tion of the LED's and the operation of the bed raise switch circuit.

Many of the tests for the electronic control system are performed with just the di connect and key start switches turned ON (not started). In this condition, the test for the shift lever switch is performed by moving the transmission selector lever to all eight gear positions and comparing the patterns of the LEVER LED's to the chart. This example shows the pattern that can normally be expected with the selector lever in the FIRST gear position. In FIRST, the number 2 and 5 LEVER LED's should be lit as shown

The selector lever has now been moved to the SIXTH gear position and the
number 2 and 3 LEVER LED's are lit. If the LED patterns for all the selector lever positions are correct, the shift lever switch and wiring harnes are in good condition.If the LED' do not correspond to the chart for a.ny or all of the eight selector lever positions, individual testing of the shift lever switch and wiring harness will be necessary.

The specifications and procedures for these tests are given in the service manual.If the individual tests indicate that the shift lever switch and wiring harness are in good condition, the problem is in the control box.

Testing of the transmission switch requires manual turning of the rotary selector spool ( in the selector valve group ) and the transmission switch.Access to the rotary selector spool is permitted by removing the plug from the left side of the transmission case.

To turn the rotary selector spool and transmission switch, use a 1/4 inch
drive ratchet and a 1/4 inch extension four inches long.The extension will fit in a square hole in the end of the rotary selector spool assembly. As you face the left side of the
transmission case, the clockwise direction is for downshifts and the counterclockwise direction is for upshifts.Because of the design of the rotary actuator and rotary selector spool, the shift sequence is Nl-N2-R-l-2-3-4-5-6.



The transmission switch test is also performed with just the disconnect and key start sitches turned ON.Manually turn the rotary selector spool to all of the gear position and compare the patterns of the five GEAR LED’s to the chart .This view shows that the number 1 and 5 GEAR LEAD’s are lit which indicates that the transmission switch is in the FIRST gear position.

With the number 1 and 3 GEAR LEAD’s lit as shown, the rotary selector spool and transmission switch should be in the SIXTH gear position.If the LED patterns do not correspond with the actual switch position for any gear range, individual tests of the transmission switch and its wiring harness will be necessary. If these tests indicate that the wiring harness is in good condition and that the switch is operating correctly, the problem is in the transmission control.

The LED check for the speed sender  and the two pressure switches can best be performed with the machine in operation.If space limitations or other conditions prevent moving the machine, operation can be simulated by removing the rear axles.When the vehicle is stationary, the SPD PU LED should be lit. As the truck starts to move, the LED should start to blink then turn OFF.The pressure switches can be checked by individually
engaging and releasing the retarder, service brakes, secondary brakes, and emergency brakes.As the retarder and brakes are activated, the RET BRK LED should turn ON; when they are released, the LED should turn OFF.
With the machine in operation (actual or simulated), the upshift points, downshift points, and transmission clutch engagement can be checked by observing the tachometer

When lit, the solenoid LED's indicate that voltage is available at the output of the control to the respective solenoid circuit.The LED's do not, however, indicate that the solenoids are actually operating. The upshift and downshift solenoid LED's can be checked with just the disconnect and key start switches turned ON. With the transmission selector in the NEUTRAL position, the DN SOL LED should be lit as shown. Moving the selector lever to FIRST should cause the DN SOL LED to turn OFF and the UP SOL LED to turn ON.
The lockup solenoid LED can be easily checked with the machine in operation.

During operation in converter drive, the LOCK SOL LED should be OFF; in direct drive, the LED should be lit

Now that we have discussed the concept of on-board diagnostics relative to the transmission control, let's take a closer look at the output components
of the electronic system

The tree  solenoid are monted on top  of a manifold at the right side of the
transmission case. The manifold is actually the upper portion of the transmission switch housing.A protective guard is installed over the solenoids.The upshift and downshift solenoids connect the electronic control system to the transmission hydraulic system.The lockup solenoid connects the electronic control system to the lockup clutch portion of the torque converter hydraulic system

Here are the solenoids after removal of the protective guard. All three solenoids are identical.From left,to right they are:the lockup solenoid, the downshift solenoid and the
upshift solenoid.Notice that the upshift and downshift solenoids are bolted directly to the manifold while a transmission relay valve is installed between the lockup solenoid and the manifold.

Checking the electrical operation of the solenoids is a relatively simple procedure. Remove the wiring harness connectors from all three solenoids and turn the disconnect and key start switches ON. With the transmission selector lever in NEUTRAL, touch the downshift connector to the downshift solenoid. A "click" should be heard or felt as the solenoid is energized.

Then, move the selector lever to FIRST and touch the upshift connector to the upshift solenoid to see if it is energized. To check the lockup solenoid, remove the large connector from the end of the transmission control box and connect a test lead (jumper wire) between socket number 1 and socket number 5 on the large connector.Then, touch the lockup connector to the lockup solenoid to see if it is energized.

If one of the solenoids fails to energize, use a connector from one of the operational solenoids to check it. If the solenoid still fails to energize, replace it. If reversing
the connectors does energize the solenoid, the problem is in the solenoid wiring harness or in the control box.


This is a close view of the solenoids from the right side of the transmission case
Notice that identification letters for each of the solenoids are cast into the manifold. When the transmission control calls for an upshift or downshift, the corresponding solenoid is momentarily energized.This opens a valve in the base of the solenoid which permits pressure oil to flow to the rotary actuator in the selector and pressure control valve group.

This initiates the shift hydraulically.A rotating vane in the rotary actuator turns the rotary selector spool which starts the clutch engagement cycle.The flexible coupling (see slide no. 19) connects the rotary selector spool to the transmission switch.As the spool turns, the flexible coupling turns the switch rotor and the appropriate
signal is sent to the transmission control. This completes the shift electronically.

Except during operation in NEUTRAL (Nl), the upshift and downshift solenoids are only energized briefly as the shift occurs.With the selector lever in NEUTRAL, the downshift solenoid is continuously energized to hold the transmission in NEUTRAL until the operator selects a gear position.

Energizing the lockup solenoid permits pressure oil from the solenoid to move a spool in the transmission relay valve. This movement causes signal oil from the transmission relay valve to be sent to a second relay valve at the torque converter.This initiates engagement of the converter lockup clutch.The lockup solenoid is energized during the entire time that the lockup clutch is engaged

The final output component in the system is the transmission gear indicator which is visible in the form of eight LED's at the left of the selector lever. The transmission gear indicator informs the operator of the gear in which the transmission is operating regardless of the selector lever position

This diagram shows how the output components are connected to the transmission control.Each solenoid connector has two wires.All of the wires from the solenoids are routed to the bulkhead connector on the right side of the operator's compartment. (The ground wires for the solenoids are first connected to the ground wire for the speed sender.)

The transmission gear indicator has seven wires.Two of the wires (126-PK and 202-BK) are for supply voltage and ground.The five remaining wires are control wires. During operation, the transmission switch provides information to the control as to the gear range in which the transmission is actually operating.The control then sends a signal to the gear indicator on two of five control wires.
This causes the appropriate gear indicator LED to turn ON.

The wires from the transmission switch, the speed sender, and the solenoids are routed to the bulkhead connector on the right side of the operator's compartment.This is a 20 pin "VE" connector.The pin and socket locations are identified with numbers.

This is the 37 pin "VE" connector which plugs into the end of the transmission control box.All of the wires from the bulkhead connector and the remaining system components are routed to this location.Notice that each socket is identified with a number.Many of the electrical tests for the various circuits can be    at this location.

This simplified schematic shows all the components connectors, and wires in the electronic transmission control system. All of these components have been shown previously in simplified diagram   and on the machine.

Notice    that each wire in the system is identified by both a color code and a numerical code to help make individual wires easy to identify.Supply

from the 126-PK wire is through a 10 amp circuit breaker on the instrument panel to Pin 1 on the control. The 126-PK wire also provides voltage to the transmission gear indicator.The system ground is connected to Pin 2 of the control by the 202-BK wire.

Earlier it was stated that a transmission control code is used to differentiate one model from anotl1er.Four pins on the transmission control are designated as identification code pins.On the schematic, the pins are labeled I.D. CODE 0 through 3.On the control box, the pin numbers are 19, 18, 17, and 37  respective The combination in which the pins are connected to ground or left open in t he wiring harness determines the vehicle application of the transmission control.For the 785 Truck, Pin 19 is connected to ground through the bulkhead connector.The three remaining pins are left opens.It should be  sta.t:ed at: this time that incorrect programming of the transmi of the control code pins is an  extremely rare occurrency . can he easily verified, however, using a circuit tester or multimet:er.The test is performed at the 37 pin connector on the end of the control box.One of the tester leads is connected to   Vf!hicle and  Uw    other ]ead is used to check ground continui at sockets uumber 17,   18,   19,  and 37. On t.he 785 Truck, only socket numhcr  19    should show ground continuity 




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